Selasa, 05 Juni 2007

New development HTML

New development HTML

In November 2006, the W3C published a new draft charter indicating its intent to resume development of HTML in a manner that unifies HTML and XHTML 1.x, allowing this hybrid language to manifest in both an XML format and a "classic HTML" format that is not strictly SGML-based. Among other things, it is planned that the new specification, to be refined and released from 2007 to 2010, will include conformance and parsing requirements, DOM APIs, and new widgets and APIs. The group also intends to publish test suites and validation tools.The new HTML WG was rechartered in March 2007 The old HTML WG was rechartered and renamed to XHTML2 WG.

On 2007-04-10, the Mozilla Foundation, Apple and Opera Software proposed that the new HTML working group of the W3C adopt the WHATWG’s HTML5 as the starting point of its work and name its future deliverable “HTML 5”. On 2007-05-09, the new HTML working group resolved to do that

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